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Do Something!


There is a popular song playing on the radio now by Matthew West called, "Do Something."  In essence, he reminds us that we are to be God's hands and feet.  We are not to wait for someone else to get involved, but instead, WE MUST DO SOMETHING!  The opportunities and ways to be involved with serving others is virtually limitless.  We will work to post some of those that we are involved with here.  As always, if you come across other opportunities that you think we should know about, please let us know!



Loved from orphans

In addition to raising funds to both support orphans who are still in China as well as help bring them home, Into the Field collects chewable, gummy vitamins (calcium and multi-vitamin) and other needed supplies to help strengthen these fragile kiddos.  Let us know if you'd like to help gather these items...or help us deliver them!



We have been given a special opportunity to bless orphans living in an orphanage in Southwest China.  Click here for more information.

blessing bags.jpg
K4O - Kids for Others

One of our passions is to engage kids in serving.  Sometimes it is doing things like decorating Christmas cookies.  Other times it is having them assemble hundreds of Blessing Bags to be distributed to the homeless.  Or maybe it is helping them brainstorm how they can combine their pain (something that hurts their hearts) with their passion (something their hearts love) to create an impact on others.  We would love to have you join us - or come and join your group in getting their serve on! Let us know!

Cookies for Kids

Who doesn't love cookies at Christmas?  Each year Into the Field and friends bake and decorate (and include our kids so that they can learn more about serving) Christmas cookies and deliver them to local shelters.  We would love to have you join our "baking brigade"!  Help us bring some homemade yumminess to those who are missing out on it!

PYS - Pick Your Serve

PYS - Pick Your there a way that you would like to serve?  A way that you woud like to share your heart to impact your community or the world?  Let us know!  We would love to walk alongside you!  Into the Field is able to utilize it's charitable status to receive donations of funds and supplies for your project.  Maybe you want to do a "once and done" project or something longer term (but you don't want to form an official non-profit).  Lets work together to make it happen! 

rebeccas sisters

Rebecca's life was like a rollercoaster - lots of ups, downs, twists, and turns. She married Isaac and couldn't have children.  Isaac prayed for her and she became pregnant - with twins.  God spoke to her and she was concerned with what she learned.  Everything about her children were opposites: one was faithful, the other deceitful; one stayed, the other left.  She died before they reconciled.  it was almost enough to drive any woman to lose her mind.  God was with her, but if only she had sisters to help her through it all.


rebecca's sisters are women who come together to serve, support, and share God's love with women whose lives have been filled with rollercoasters and currently find themselves homeless.


If you would like to join us, or have contacts within a company/business who might like to donate items that can be used for/with the women we serve, please contact us!

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