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Adoption is beautiful - but it is also hard and expensive.


Not everyone is called or led to adopt, but the Bible does direct us all to care for the orphan.  In addition to the much needed prayers, financial gifts are ALWAYS appreciated - and when given through Into the Field/Loved from Afar, they are tax-deductible!  On this page you will find a brief profile of some special families who are working to grow their families through adoption.  All would appreciate your support in any way you are able.  Each family has a donation link which will lead you to PayPal for your online donation.  If you would like to send a check (which means that PayPal doesn't subtract it's processing fees!), you may send it to: Into the Field, PO Box 20543, Columbus, Ohio 43220.  Be sure to put the family name in the memo line to ensure that it is appropriately tracked.

Meet the
Walker Family!
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"We are the Walkers, a family of 7, working on becoming a family of 8. We love our community, our church and each other. We also love to travel and experience the world as a family. More than anything, we want to make the world a better place. Six years ago on our adoption journey, we were able to bring Samuel home. Then, in early 2019 we got to meet Samuel's foster brother, John David. He is 10-years old and already a part of our hearts and lives, so we are working to bring him home as a part of our family."


You can support the Walker family here.


Meet the Pogatchnik- O'Flaherty Family!
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"Hello, we are the Pogatchnik-O'Flaherty family!  We have been blessed beyond anything we could ever have imagined by our two daughters, both adopted from China.  Ellie came home at 3 years old in 2014, and Mirabel as a 14 mo old in 2015.  Our little family of four was humming along nicely when one day my (Sidney's) Mom sent me a photo of a little girl in China who looked SO much like Ellie.  And hmmm… they were from the same town in China.  It took a few months, but we were able to do a DNA test and found out they are sisters!  We can't wait to unite these sisters and bring her home."

You can support the Pogtchnik-O'Flaherty family here.


Celebrate with us! Fundraising is over! And there are #ManyLess!

Meet the
Berry Family!

David and Kelley Berry are from Atlanta, GA, and just celebrated their 16th wedding anniversary.  They are now a family of 7 with the addition of their newest China treasure (their 3rd), Ridge.  Kelley says, "We are so thrilled to be on this journey of adoption for the third time. When we set out on this path 3 years ago we felt strongly about caring for the orphan. For our family- this meant to bring home a child with special needs from a country that was near to our hearts. Now we have now adopted our 3rd special/medical needs child and we could not be. Our prayer is that each one of your is blessed beyond measure for your support and love." 


You may read more about the Berry family on their personal website.

Meet the
Cameron Family!

Jennifer never dreamed of adopting as a single...but then she met Olivia in 2012 while serving in China.  She said "YES" to God's leading and can't imagine what life would be like without her.  Now, Olivia and Jen have returned from China precious  3 year old, Callie.  "There are many, many reasons why this doesn't make sense.  But it has been made clear to us that this is what we are to do.  It is scary, but we know that God is good and as we seek to live our lives in obedience, we know that He will give us more than we need, and much more than we deserve."


You may read more about the Cameron family on their personal website.

Meet the
Haun Family!

Chad and Lauren Haun are from Cleveland, TN and recently celebrated their 13th wedding anniversary. God has given the Haun family 5 amazing children, 3 biological and 2 amazing girls adopted from China. Chad and Lauren have had a strong burden the last several months to start the adoption process again but just wanted to wait on God's timing. Then, out of the blue, God brought Livie Joy into their lives. She was adopted from China a family in Tennessee but was in need of a forever family. It was love at first sight and they are so excited about Livie Joy being their daughter.


You may read more about the Haun family on their personal website.

Meet the
LaRue Family!

Sean and Jaime LaRue have been happily married for 16 years. They are blessed with 4 biological children, ages 6-15 and are excited about their first adoption of a little girl from China. They have a unique story in that they have waited for this particular child for over 2.5 years! Their prayer has always been that not only would this little girl join their family, but that God and God alone would be glorified. He clearly took their prayers seriously by allowing them to have ups and downs on this crazy journey, but they wouldn’t have it any other way! As they have crossed the finish line and she is now home.  They are completely humbled and amazed at how God continues to reveal Himself in the smallest of details. We know that He is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Eph. 3:20) and we pray that you would come to know the God who is already involved in the details of YOUR life as well! 


You may read more about the LaRue family on their personal website.

Meet the
Mansfield Family!

Shawn and Shelley Mansfield just completed their 4th adoption from China and she will be our 7th child. We are thrilled to be bringing this precious girl home. The road our family has been on for the last 10 years has been full of surprises, but ultimately one that God has authored perfectly. Our 3rd biological daughter was diagnosed with Rett syndrome in 2006 and life took an unexpected turn. While her diagnosis is certainly something we would not have chosen, she has brought so much joy to our family. Parenting a severely disabled child and seeing how passionately we love her, led us to the special needs adoption program in China. Each of our children from China have a medical special need, and yet to us, they are simply our son and daughters. We don’t see a diagnosis, we see our children. Our newest daughter has Down Syndrome and we think she rocks that extra chromosome in the very best of ways!


You may read more about the Mansfield family on their personal website.

Meet the
McHone Family!
Meet the
Ratliff Family!

Justin and Kathy McHone's lives have always been about loving Jesus and serving others. It was on a trip to China that they met their 1st son, Liam, who was living at the foster home they visited. Upon holding him in their arms, they knew he was their son. The journey to bring him home was one with lessons of waiting and God's faithfulness.  And they waited again - this time for a 2nd son who like his big brother, called China his first home.  The dream is now here as the 2 boys will play and live together within their forever family.  



Amber had envisioned a lot of things for her life, but never could she have imagined the joy she would experience being a mom.  She currently has two beautiful little boys.  They both were adopted from China, so when the boys started asking for a baby sister, it only made sense that they believed she was in China too.  Being a single mom of three is a daunting task, but Amber is determined that Love conquers Fear.   She believes that children need families and also need a village of people to support, encourage and build into them.  Thank-you for being a part of bringing this family together!


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​Find us: 

PO Box 20543

Columbus, Ohio 43220

© 2024 by Into the Field

Into the Field is a 501c3 non-profit ministry that exists to serve the servants around the corner and around the world.

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